You're an Engineer, and we're here to help.

Breakdown of majors

Studying 24/7 isn't fun, but neither is failing a class. We can help you find a middle ground. We take our majors seriously, boasting a diverse mix of engineering majors and maintaining a 3.65 average GPA across the fraternity. If you need a study partner, you don't need to look far. We also have members involved in campus research labs and many student groups and honors organizations.

Professional Benefits

Many brothers in our chapter secure summer internships following their sophomore year—a significant achievement considering it’s not typical for second-year students. This success is made possible through the resources provided by Sigma Phi Delta. From referrals to resume workshops and interview preparation, SigPhi equips you with the tools needed to reach your professional goals—all while fostering a fun and supportive community. Here are some places we've worked →

What we do to help:

Resume Workshops
Interview Prep
Networking Opportunities

Groups were involved in

Past Academic Events

Deloitte Event

We hosted a private event with Deloitte where our members collaborated with professionals on a case study.

Graduate Panel

We've hosted a panel of graduate students and post-grads to discuss the impacts of graduate level education.

Engineering Expo

Our members involved in the Human Powered Helipcopter project show off the technology to students.